Thursday, April 23, 2020

What is Veganism? Lifestyle of a Vegan

What is Veganism? 

Veganism is a way of living without exploiting any sentient beings on the very earth, which happens to be the home of not just humans but also many other species. Due to various reasons, mankind has always kept themselves as superiors and exploited the nature. This exploitation is extreme when it comes to animals. Animals are sentient beings, who also feels love, fear, anger, sadness and pain just like us we humans, but unfortunately humans see this sentient nature only in pet animals (dogs and cats) and wild animals ( lions and tigers). But none of us have ever asked ourselves how would a chicken feel when it is kept in cage. Alas, google chicken and you find the food recipes and restaurants nearby but not the chicken which happens to be a bird.

Veganism allows these animals to live life without suffering due to human intervention. Any product which is an outcome of animal exploitation will be avoided in vegan lifestyle. From basics like Dairy products to luxuries like leather are an outcome of an unethical practices on animals and birds.

Easy Vegan Guide

To start with, don't consider veganism as cutting down on food products, but as many food options to explore.

1. Dairy - Dairy products are outcome of torture, rape, abuse and murder. Cows go through all these just for our morning coffee and double cheese pizza. You can select any plant-based milk instead like soy milk, oat milk, almond milk. So here, we have many substitutes for milk products. As I said, we gonna explore the food varieties.

2. Meat - Killing is a crime, but wait do we really consider killing as a crime. NO. When it comes to few animals we very conveniently skip this part as if they don't die to be on our plates. But the reality is, their lives are miserable in those cages and they never get to see the sun, moon, rain or the green trees. All they see is their food grains and eventually the Death. There's mock meat in almost every supermarket. I will be honest, they might not be as delicious as dead bird, but sure you will get to know new varieties as I Promised.

3. Silk, Fur, leather - Do you know animals are skinned alive for leather and fur, do you know silk worms are boiled in hot water when they are very much alive? - YES. Do they have to die for our mere fashion sense? - NO. There are variety of artificial silk and leather available in the market and it's not necessary to support violence when we are pretty developed to skip this exploitation.


Animals go through hell due to our lifestyles, tastes and preferences. Veganism shows us a way of life where we can opt not to support this cruelty towards animals and choose a more meaningful and ethical lifestyle. Here, I have suggested few tips to kick start a vegan lifestyle.